By Alexa Mieses

The Student National Medical Association held its Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC) this past week in Chicago, IL, entitled Healthy Impact 2010. Among the many well-known speakers was former surgeon general Dr. David Satcher. Dr. Satcher addressed the attendees during his "Healthy People 2010" presentation and touched on everything from health care reform and eliminating health disparities, to increasing the number of minorities in the health professions. In addition, this presentation served as a review of his Healthy People 2010 initiative which was put in place as a deadline by which to make certain permanent changes to the overall health of the American people and reduce health disparities. Though Dr. Satcher did not achieve all of the intended goals, he set a new deadline hoping to make these changes by the year 2020.
Dr. Satcher's large plenary session was not the only highlight of the AMEC pre-medical forum. The forum also included a seminar with Dr. Lynne Holden, MD, of Mentoring in Medicine Inc., on interview and presentation skills, a presentation from Dr. Bonnie Simpson Mason, MD, of Nth Dimensions Educational Solutions, regarding the business side of medicine, and a panel of six physicians at different stages in their lives addressed "Relationships in Medicine". The pre-medical track also included four medical school tours and eight hour-long recruitment fair with over thirty medical schools from across the country in attendance.

CityCollege MAPS Members at Premed Luncheon
Left to Right: Paola Morocho, Felicia Green, Christine Sulmers, Suky Martinez,
Alexa Mieses, Jasmine Cruz, Carlotta Ross
Congratulations Queens College on winning Region XI MAPS Chapter of the Year! CCNY is looking to be next! We're looking forward to seeing everyone next year in Indianapolis!